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torsdag den 30. januar 2020

A political outro!!

Where too next???
Turkey has ahd a tumultous period where it seems they demand to see results in
the european union. Someone need to get results on how the individual decision makers are succeeding or failing. They probably also want to how how the opiniated elite is doing in the eyes of the world, how sympatethic they appear to the rest of the union. Europe relies on self confidence but are the men and WOMEN producing recognisable results that can bee seen. Are they providing a positive outlook. Will Merkel and the other women in charge of Scandinavia ever look as good and as competent as the rest of the western alliance?

Is the police control in Turkey and the Arabic world worse than in Europe or in Asia? Depends if you can get anyone to talk about it. Claims of torture and opression against both women and war prisoners flourish widely. Are anyone using the internet in these countries? 
I have decided to make this webpage during the last 8 months, to be printed and delivered as an ebook.
 Then people can tell me if they think its okay that I spend time in librars now that Im unable to be in my apartment due to an American-European attack on my Jewish background.

They could have done anything, just not to claim being the strong in the ultimate materalistic and satanicly hedonistic way. They continue to over abuse the earth with their insane consumption of cars, airplanes and hangar ships. Denying themselves nothing. It is such that America could have become a spiritul country, enlightened defining human values. 

Instead the Pope is from South America again restoring balance to the south. Proving conspiracies against the northern hemisphere we are experiencing a new balance supporting Russian European norms and masculine and feminine ideals. This is happening even if much power has been given away to China and the Arab world, by having passive governements and leaders. 

How does fat-freezing work? 

When fat-freezing is performed a protective sheet is placed on the skin and we use a piece for sucking in adipose tissue. Using vacuum pump we cool the fat tissues down to minus 10 degrees whereby fat cells are destroyed.The method is feasible thanks to that fat cells are more sensitive to cold than the other body tissues. 

This way you can remove body fat without liposuction or any other surgical procedure. The treatment takes just under an hour and results in the natural cell death of fat cells, also known apoptosis. Other tissues, such as skin, nerve and muscle are not affected at all. The treatment results are permanent and the process of the body’s absorption of the dead fat cells lasts approximately 1-2 months in the body. Approximately 20-25 percent of the fat disappears after only one treatment. Therefore we usually need to repeat the treatment to attain the desired results..

In socially conservative Indian society, IT engineer Akhilesh Godi felt he barely existed.  Depressed and wrestling with questions about his sexuality, he was afraid to seek help because he thought even a therapist would label him a criminal under India’s laws against homosexuality. Other homosexuals and transgender people in India said they faced severe discrimination or blackmail because of a 157-year-old ban on gay sex.

Godi decided to push back. He was one of 20 openly gay students and alumni of various technology schools – including two women and a transgender woman – who won a ruling from India’s Supreme Court in September 2018 striking down the colonial-era law. The justices did not simply decriminalize gay sex. They ruled that from now on gay Indians are to be accorded all the protections of the Constitution. The decision was welcomed by the UN, which said "sexual orientation and gender expression form an integral part of an individual's identity the world over.

Although Philippino President Rodrigo Duterte has at times labelled China as a “friend”, Mr Carpio has called on the nation “to defend Philippine territory and maritime zones”.

(CNN) -- Howard Dully was 12 years old when he was told he was going to the hospital for some tests.
"I remember having big black swollen eyes one day and staying in the hospital for a few days because apparently I had an infection," recalls Dully, now 56, who lives in San Jose, California.
That's all Dully can remember of the transorbital or "ice pick" lobotomy performed on him more than 40 years ago.
Many in the medical community consider lobotomies barbaric by today's standards, but there was a time when the procedure was an accepted treatment for those suffering from severe mental illness.

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