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onsdag den 14. august 2019

Crawler Crawler - A trip to Vietnam

Asa Akira - Jenna Jameson and choosing the right door to go through!! !

A crawler is a computer program that automatically searches documents on the Web. Crawlers are primarily programmed for repetitive actions so that browsing is automated. Search engines use crawlers most frequently to browse the internet and build an index. Other crawlers search different types of information such as RSS feeds and email addresses. The term crawler comes from the first search engine on the Internet: the Web Crawler. Synonyms are also “Bot” or “Spider.” The most well known webcrawler is the Googlebot. This was just a friendly reminder that even if we believe our actions online doesnt have consequences they will anyway.

I was in the army and this is a picture from Vietnam actually. I have no relatives directly from Asia, but they end up looking a bit asian anyway. There is asians in my extended family. Later I will write some theories about buddhism and rebirth of the soul. Check this out.

 The internet is somewhat alive, and I will try to do some random stuff in this thread to see what happens. Im going to use this thread to write random thoughts down to prove how immensly huge the library of the world wide web is. I had these coordinates in my mind lat 40 long 80. Just random!!! I will try to find a webpage from Darshani in India where it turned out to be from. This was a picture i found from a google search of Drashani which is in the middle of India, and well yes lets add a picture also. Why not use an Indian to make a webpage.

When i googled these coordinates I randomly came across a picture of two girls that I knew. The one to the right isa woman called Lornas half sister from India. I met Lorna in the philippines and we ot along very well. The other girl is Sizka whoms twin sister I recently met in Denmark. We were much the same and had a physical relationship. We played cards together went for a trip to feed the birds and held hands.

Darshani is one of many interesting towns that you can get to by feet or car, and apparently both has some interesting festivals and some holy places. Since I like India Im going to assume that if i change latitude and longtitude Im going to find a place Im not so keen for. This is because I in Asia have met the belief system of Yin and Yang.
Yin and Yang means that in our world the opposite often hold the opposite in that its not the same. Thyis is different from a way of daydreaming yourself through life, in which empasize is placed upon holding a thought in the mind. If we do this we might believe that as long as it seems to be the same like lat 20 long 80 and lat 80 long 20, is probably similar. Its just a belief.

If we switch to speak...we end up in Svalbard, the coldest place on eart filled with polqar bears which I dont like. Its both on the northern hemisphere but couldnt be more different.
See for yourself some friends from Iceland and my uncle Kjetil:

I guess I didnt get the email that made the Polar Bear extinct!!!

Lets say that we made a phone number of the geographical point could we find that??? Could the internet EVEN help us with that and make it apeear like IT had a meaning??

This is just a random IP from the latitude and longtitude  above. But honestly its made in Bangladesh, and yes that proves how big and complicated the web is I believe.

I sometimes think of the north, now that I have travelled so extensively. With the north I mean a select group of nations that asscoiate as the free world. We usually call Scandinavia the north along with Moscow and perhaps Poland. The also includes the UK, Holland, the Baltic, Canada even the east coast of America with New York and Washington. If you look at a globe you will se that countries such as Mongolia and also Japan is close to the north. I told you in a earlier post that Beijing is only 8 hours from Scandinavia. I believe Japan and Mongolia is also the north. We might consider countires such as Argentina and New Zealand something similar if we look at climate only. look at New Zealand:

This is a picture I found on of some happy girls in a nightclub. In case you didnt know New Zealand is a mix between the native Maori tribe and people from the UK.:

In Norway they have become well known for their series SHAME, which focuses on a group of teenagers feeling the outside worlds expectations impact their daily lives. Norway is as many western countries under accusation about over consumption, even if the world demands oil as well as gas which they provide. Im going to write more about this ofshore business and what Scandinavia is like later. First se what the girls of SKAM, the norwegian title, are like. The other picture is of yet another of my brothers. The world is big and his story is unique. He is from a Indonesian father with artificial insemination because he is from my mothers sister who fell ill with CHOLERA. Lets look at page 358 in the doctors manual as they so nicely eductaed him in when he asked for a fertility test.:

Common symptoms of cholera and the dehydration it causes include: watery, pale-colored diarrhea, often in large amounts. nausea and vomiting. cramps, particularly in the abdomen and legs. irritability, lack of energy, or unusual sleepiness. glassy or sunken eyes. dry mouth and extreme thirst. dry, shriveled skin.

Fluid replacement

Replacement of fluid loss is essential. Mild cases can be treated with standard oral rehydration formulas. Rapid correction of severe hypovolemia is lifesaving. Prevention or correction of metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia is important. For hypovolemic and severely dehydrated patients, IV replacement with isotonic fluids should be used (for details on fluid resuscitation, see Intravenous Fluid Resuscitation and Oral Rehydration). Water should also be given freely by mouth.

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